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How It All Began

The name MNP was initially meant to be “Mortgage and Property” by its founder, Stephen Soon when he started his sole proprietorship, MNP Management Consultancy in 2003 to provide financial advisory service to secure bank mortgage financing. It was then renamed MNP Auctioneers when he secured an auctioneer license in April 2004, and progressed further to incorporate in 2006. Stephen’s lifetime profession begin when a close friend of his father, late Mr. Mohammad Hussain Ibrahim, an auctioneer-turned-solicitor entrusted his unique England-made hammer to Stephen and guided him along the way to nurture his professionalism in this area. Auctioneer is a sacred profession that practiced the highest standard of professionalism through conducting an open, fair and transparent bidding process. Entirely gearing through competitive spirit, no favoritism but the highest bidder win with a knock of a hard-sound hammer. Similarly, court judges and parliamentary speakers use hammer to signify judgment or pass a law as it represents supreme justice! MNP commenced its operation by securing several financial institutions’ agreement to conduct foreclosure auction of real estate. It was not until 2014 to practically diversify its portfolio when MNP was appointed the first ever official auctioneer of Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank of Malaysia) to handle the Bank’s auction of Malaysian Banknotes with special serial numbers. MNP further strengthened its asset auction market leadership when it launched the inaugural Straits Chinese Antique Auction in May 2017. MNP was awarded ISO 9001:2008 in Quality Management System in year 2010. It achieved another milestone when it was awarded the National Mark of Malaysian jointly by SIRIM and SMECORP IN 2015. The following document is our Corporate Profile: